a step into the dark, music and life

Thoughts on random things, including music, life, etc...

28 January 2007

Boundaries are a Must! Part I

The lower you set your expectations, the less disappointment you will probably face. I don't like to think that I am a pessimist, but I probably sound like one most of the time. There's just different perspectives when it comes to life. Some of us see how everything works out and if it doesn't right now, then eventually over time things will work out for the best. Others just see how things are presently and for one reason or another can't see very far past that. They also tend to forget about how things have worked out in the past. Both of these perspectives come into play when dealing with tasks and with people. It seems a lot easier to deal with tasks rather than people because we can control tasks, but cannot control people at all. So basically I can guarantee that I will do something and it will happen because I decide in my mind to do it. People are so much more complex because if you depend on them and they are having a good day, then chances are good that you can actually count on them. However, if the good day was a fluke and on the day or days you were supposed to depend on them, you end up dealing with a different person, good luck. This brings up the conflict which most people deal with at some point and sometimes at many points in life: Do I do something because I want to do it or because I feel guilty about the situation and my feelings of obligation won't leave me alone. It's all about boundaries, something which takes a lot of work, but are well worth setting in place. One of the main reasons for setting them is that I am in charge of how much disappointment I will feel if someone lets me down. I don't feel responsible because I believe in a person's autonomy in making choices in life. Making large efforts when there is no point because it will go nowhere is a complete waste of time.
Yes, sometimes I can be really lazy and it almost seems like I can't depend on myself, but I am getting better. I finished two songs last night and I am not rewriting them at all! I have another on the table to work through, hopefully this week, but I need to invest time in a journal article for one of my classes and draw up some forms for school. It shall be a busy week.


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